Dana Herbert - Desserts by
"Love for Food and Thirst for Art" After watching the three videos about Michelle Rhee - what are the three words that both women used in described the feeling of finding their passion. THIS COPY IS FROM ANOTHER PAGE WHERE I WAS PLANNING TO USE THE RICE VIDEO ... In her 25-minute commencement speech to graduates of SMU (Southern Methodist University) Condoleezza Rice talks about several keys to success, including finding your passion. She talks about how she found her passion about 9 1/2 minutes into the speech. I suggest you start listening there at time slot 9:30. During our next session, let's talk about the implications Rice's story has on our search for our passions. Video of :
- Me interviewing Linda Hall - Condolezza Rice (how she got hooked on international affairs) A sushi chef turned dog groomer named Tak Sekimoto is one of 24 midwesterners being profiled in "The Book of Dream Jobs," by Marty McCarty.