Inspiring Videos To
Inspire & Empower You! First Lady Michelle Obama "Find Your Passion" was one of the inspiring messages First Lady Michelle Obama, shared with the graduates of Martin Luther King Magnet School during her commencement speech to them.
Watch the time slot of 15:25 - 20:00, where she talks about finding her passion and encourages the students to make finding theirs a priority. As First LadyObama is speaking to students, I encourage you to think that she is speaking to you about your life's journey (especially her point at 17:30 about finding what brings you joy). You can share your thoughts about what she said during session #2. Of course, if you can watch the entire 22-minute speech. However, during our session, we will only be talking about Mrs. Obama's insights finding your passion (15:25 - 20:00) ADD VIDEO ABOUT LAURIE NOLAN KELLEY (MOVE IT FROM WEEK 3) |
Passion & Purpose Program
Quote To Consider
Anybody who makes it, anybody who does achieve any level of success, that says to the rest of the world "This is possible". Oprah Winfrey Business Magnate & Philanthropist (Hence, anybody who finds and pursues their passion and purpose says to the rest of us "This is possible.") Donna Satchell Kimble ---------------------------- "Do not waste a minute living someone else's dream. Each of us has unique gifts. But it takes a lot of work - a lot of real work to discover what brings you joy." First Lady Michelle Obama 2013 commencement address MLK Magnet School Nashville, Tennessee |