Below is a recorded live 30-minute webinar with all the exciting
details about for the next Passion & Purpose Program for Women. To register for the fall or winter sessions of The Passion & Purpose Program
for Women, call 770-498-0400 or email [email protected] Key Slides:
Donna Satchell Kimble's Bio - Weekly Program Details - Levels & Pricing Fill out the form below to receive more details about the Passion & Purpose Program for Women, including dates for the next scheduled programs and the next live informative webinar. Testimonials"This program was a very enlightening experience for me. The sequence
of activities and challenges opened the door to suppressed desires, gifts, and talents that I had simply forgotten about. The program's discovery process assisted me in becoming more focused and intentional in pursuing areas of passion and gifts. I rediscovered myself." Barbara Morgan - Director of Sales Mizani (Division of L'Oreal) __________________________________________________ "This has been a life changing experience. Donna's knowledge and passion about
finding your purpose is unparalleled. The combination of exercises, videos and discussions helped me refocus my career and move in a direction more aligned with my passion. I now feel more fully aware of my purpose. I recommend this program to anyone who would like to expand their life palate. This is an excellent chance to gain greater insight about yourself while engaging in fun new experiences that will lead you towards your passion". Jasmine Briggs Career Counselor - Berkeley College |
Exciting New Program
Created by Donna Satchell Kimble, Passion & Purpose Coach™, Speaker and Author, the Passion & Purpose Program For Women is an exciting, innovative, one-of-a-kind program designed to put women on the path to finding what they truly love to do and realizing their life purpose.
The program's 8-week curriculum is delivered through a series of webinars and includes: